Last Stand, First Jam

Okay, so this is my first jam game. I made it in around three days, which is extremely good at my usual speed and even if it's extremely short for what I intended in the first place... at least it seems to run okay on my browser. I call that a success in my torned-page book.

It's probably filled with grammatical horrors and silly bugs and I'll surely find them all when I play the game again in about 100 years from now and then I'll be sure to die in shame.

If anyone reads this things and plays the game: thank you for your service and may God save you. Also: sorry.

Welp, it's just a game, if you can call it that, at least it's a very short experience and, good or bad, it's mine, I made it. Hopefully I gained some useful knowledge to tackle the game I really want to make that's giving me small headaches here and there.

Go, go, go! Attack! Quick! Jam! Dulce de leche!

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30 days ago

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